What is it?
As of now it is only a guitar scale application. But the goal is much bigger than that which is why it is necessary to take these baby steps.
Guitar Scales is a hitchhikers guide to the galaxy of scales. It displays the usual music scales and modes no matter how many strings, frets or even which tuning the user has selected. And the best part is that the user is free to add his own scales and tunings. Another great feature is the Scale Search which finds which scales fit the user-selected chords/notes.
Future plans
With the Guitar Scales app finished it should be obvious to make something similar for keyboard players. The development of such an app shouldn’t take too long since most of the work would be finished in Guitar Scales. The next obvious step is to combine the two one single application which shares the user-created scales.
It would be great to then create an application like TuxGuitar, Power TabEditor and merge the Scale apps with it, but right now it is only an ambitious idea.
How did the project start?
The project began with a need for a simple offline application which displayed music modes on a guitar scale with an ability to choose any tuning or string ammount. It all went well and the application was done in no time using the ancient WinForms and not so efficient C# coding.
Unfortunatly a few months later the hard drive containing both the projects’ source code and the compiled executable died. Which is sad, but on the other hand it is a great reason to start fresh and to make something much better.